Isle of Albion
Smaller cousin of Cairnholy I.
Photographed: Sunday 4th July 2010
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Cairnholy II is a chambered cairn that dates back to sometime between 2000-4000BC. It measures around 21 metres by 12 metres. The outer chamber was approached via a small forecourt flanked by two upright stones. The inner chamber was sealed with a single upright stone, and roofed with a large capstone.

Although not as immediately striking as its nearby cousin - Cairnholy I - this is still a dramatic and visually impressive monument. The nearby farm buildings impact slightly upon the setting, but the views to the south more than compensate for this. Most of the monument survives, giving a good impression of its original structure. Cairnholy II possesses a unique charm that makes it worthy of a visit in its own right.